Evolution Activated Wiki

The Great Caboose The Great Caboose 26 February 2013

Been a While...

So! Big news! The Jack of All Trades Regulation that was announced in 2010 on the RPG is finally explained on the Extraordinary Abilities page! Hats off to Two McMillion, who explained it in such great detail with his Width Vs. Breadth Theory of Power Design. Other additions include descriptions of Advanced powers, and Invidia powers! We're still in the process of working out how these apply to specific powers, like Advanced Electrokinesis or Advanced Radiogenesis. But hooray for having the basics! 

If you're confused about terms like 'power farmers' or 'power families,' be sure to read the Extraordinary Abilities page linked above. 

Other big news, we're working on separating Ability Manifestation Mental Disorders from the abilities themsel…

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The Great Caboose The Great Caboose 2 May 2012

All that categorization...

Alrighty then, so you've all seen that unsorted abilities category. You may be thinking to yourself, "Geez, that thing's been there for like, ever! Why don't the mods just categorize it so I can know what powers go with what?" Well, I hate to break your fragile fantasy, but it takes fantastic leaps of logic for us to figure out how to make super powers work, and then categorize them accordingly. I mean, if people could figure that out so easily, we'd all have super powers by now.

So, this is a warning: that unsorted abilities category is going to be around for a while. If you have any ideas for mutations that could actually make them happen, write them up on my talk page, and I'll make sure you're credited. At this point, I'm less worried a…

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The Great Caboose The Great Caboose 2 March 2012

Soon to be... Busy!

So, for all you peeps out there who don't keep up with EA (no, the other EA, as in, Electronic Arts), Mass Effect 3 will be released on Tuesday, and I expect to go into an Xbox cave for about a month or so and play the hell out of it. I'll still drop in every day to check messages and edit everyone's contributions. I'll also be earning enough achievements to stay on top of the leader board, so don't get any funny ideas (*cough*Eevi*cough*).

Anyway, I'll still be around this weekend, albeit playing through Mass Effect 2 to gear up for Tuesday. If you need anything, let me know.


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